My spouse left for work at 7 and came home at 3am last night. The film industry is bananas! 10 days for a 120 page script and they've done such minimal prep. And they're working through lunch. D:
@FrankCannon idk lol it sounded terrible. Like copaganda but written by trust fund kids. Just very bad. So neither my spouse nor I have looked deeply into who is involved.
@Expecting_Words Deffo sounds indie. They can go either way but you tend to know for sure which way by the second day or so.
My first job in L.A. was painting sets for TV and my first day on the job was a 22-hour shift. I lasted a week at that job.
It was really cool to get to work on the backlots of the big studios, but I am not cut out for that kind of schedule. 🥴
@Ubiety nobody is cut out for that schedule lol.
@Expecting_Words Independant project?