Ordered a book from Amazon, that I was really excited about getting. Was supposed to be here Saturday.
Okay, so then they said Sunday.
Negatory. ☹️
It arrived at the facility in Fife at 4:30pm Saturday....30mins later it's "Delayed in transit." Every single time I have an issue with an Amazon delivery....The package comes from the Fife facility. Fife to Puyallup, 9/10 times, I don't get my package. Frustrating!
@stratkitten I am proud as well!! Lol We definitely have some funky named cities here. Sequim. I know its proper pronunciation, but still say "See-quim" just for giggles. It..ah...doesn't take much to amuse me.....
@Evereigh Sequim (Sqwim)! OMG, my grandma took me to the game farm there when I was maybe 13!