So I'm generally not afraid of arachnids but we've had a bumper crop of black widows hanging out on our back patio for a bit. I asked hubby to relocate the ones living on my zero-g chair and the heater and table next to it but he didn't see them until tonight (since that's when they come out). He has to get up at 3 for work and will be gone for nearly 3 days so I asked about it again. He was out just now in the backyard & patio naked, smoking, and relocating widows 😆 Should have gotten video!!
@Apocryphiliac They're gorgeous spiders and usually not deadly but I have enough medical issues that what might not kill a healthier person could probably do me in. I also worry about one getting in the house and one or more of my cats pouncing it and getting bitten...since they're much smaller than humans it *would* kill them. This was under my chair.
@Apocryphiliac The reason I prefer he does it is am always afraid I'll squish them and he's really good at not squishing them.
@Apocryphiliac To prove it I just accidentally squished one trying to relocate it using the Webster 😣 Either he missed the one under my chair or there was another quickly rebuilding the web hubby got rid of. I truly wasn't trying to kill it damn it!! 😪
@Embers that’s amazing constraint On your part. I don’t usually kill spiders, but I’d draw the line at ones that would have a potentially lethal bite. 😳
Be safe!
@Embers Yipe. I've never really dealt with them. The worst we really have around here is the brown recluse, which is generally not terribly dangerous, unless you're allergic to the venom and don't treat it. Then you can lose a good deal of tissue...
@Apocryphiliac Oh yeah Recluse bites can lose you some appendages!
@Embers I'm not generally bothered by spiders either, but ooof. Widows are not to be trifled with.