Heard a scrabbling sound in the vicinity of our outside recycle tonight and found we had a tiny visitor. Will either release him near dawn when most of the feral cats are off sleeping or take him to the nearby wildlife rehab. He's smaller than some of the rats we get so worried a cat would get him.

@Embers so where did you decide to take him to I don't know if I would remove him from his current habitat because he might not be old enough to survive in a secluded area that's new to him and he would have to forage for food


@duglop We have a wildlife museum that will take injured, sick, or abandoned native wildlife and rehab to release them. Going to wait for hubby to get home from work sometime this afternoon and decide what to do.

@Embers cool at least you're doing something positive that's what matters we had a baby skunk show up at the bus terminal downtown I suggested taking him to the state park and set him free but the conservationist officer showed up and said no he wouldn't survive there because he's too young and might not know how to fend for himself... Which actually makes sense I have heard many others say the exact same thing so... But...

@Embers do you know what they ended up doing with it they ended up killing it as a result because of that same reason.. I was so pissed I ripped right into that officer the next time I saw her

@duglop It really pisses me off when sanctuaries just arbitrarily kill animals in need of help that people bring to them trusting them to do the right thing. In this case the place had us measure the little guy and, when stretched out he's actually 7" long not including tail. They said that's actually the size where they start dropping off mom and going their own way so we'll be releasing him this evening in an area of our backyard that the cats and raccoons don't frequent. 🤞🤞

@Embers I'm a wolf advocate - my group was successful in getting Mexican Grey Wolf Guardian M1396 released after being illegally captured a few years ago... took doaens of emails 200k signatures on 2 petitions hours of phone calls advice from a wildlife lawyer and an in person visit from a member to get it done, we even made the news - small change I know, but the results matter

@duglop That's very cool and must have been so gratifying!

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