Is it common to crowd fund here? Are there rules for that? 🤔
@mikeflstfi I appreciate the response!
You're welcome. I've had some success, strictly at the hobby level, offering music and watches here. But I wouldn't ever consider CoSo as a path to market for anything you want to use to make a living.
@EllyOnTheGo The best hashtags for this are #mutualaid or #cosomutualaid.
It helps if the person is here on CoSo.
@mikeharmanos Thank you!
@EllyOnTheGo People do crowdfund, but it's most often in emergency situations.
Coso has helped flood victims, those about to be made homeless and others too. I would certainly double check the ToS because if you're deemed to be breaking them, your account will go immediately.
@stueytheround Understood, thank you!
I don't know if there are specific rules BUT I will say that anything "commercial" here is strictly word-of-mouth driven.
Since there is no algorithm (thank the lord), posts are chronological and you can't boost engagement with likes, etc. so no traditional SM advertising works (also thank the lord).
If people see your post and want to interact, cool.
Just my .02