Cui bono? Who benefits?
“Every system is perfectly designed to get the result that it [already] does.”
-W. Edwards Demings
While we wring our hands and wonder why there's no peace in the Middle East, we should stop and wonder what that would look like.
@EileenKCarpenter 100% in agreement with your statement.....Except Hamas won't give up their power; The Military Industrial Complex won't give up their weapons of war and the money they make from dead bodies; the Arab world won't give up using Palestinians as pawns for the p.r. game they play.
A strong Israel and a strong Palestine, devoting resources to their economic development instead of defense. A border similar to our border with Canada, allowing commerce to flow unimpeded.
An Arab League becoming a pan-Semitic league, cooperating on their strengths and competing with technology, energy and munitions companies around the world.
Israel more closely allied with its neighbors than it is with the US and Western Europe.