Why is there a limit to post gifs here?
@CherNohio Thank you.
@EVEPR most likely because they're still fairly small-scale and have to be considerate of server space and bandwidth usage. perhaps if enough of us buy pro/donate, they'll be able to up that limit or even add the gif search function that twitter has
@dietotaku @EVEPR There's a size limit per post, basically for the reasons mentioned here I believe. There's not a limit on how many you post, though.
@misslovelymess @dietotaku OK. Thank you.
@dietotaku Thank you for the info.
@dz The same thing you're seeing😹
@1_Mind_Traveler Love that pic! Beautiful!
@EVEPR I strongly agree. Thank You! I've found few that say so much.
@1_Mind_Traveler I was one of the royal good troublemakers on Twitter😈🤣🤣
@EVEPR And so you may relax a little more here, as you well know ;)
There will always be need for sharing Good Trouble. And it may be necessary in another world... soon enough.
We remain calmly resolved ~*~
@1_Mind_Traveler Totally!💙👏👏👏
@EVEPR I’ve not experienced that