I reckon the creators of the Olympic opening ceremony would be very pleased that they were right on target. They've surgically exposed the very bigotry that their message of inclusion and diversity was challenging.
I love this quote from the artistic director Tomas Jolly:
"In France, we have artistic freedom. We have the right to love who we want. We have the right not to be worshippers. We have a lot of rights and this is what I wanted to convey.”
Love it.
@DyDave it's clearly a bacchanalias...
Right? It's obvious when you actually watch it instead of reading a description.
So I've finally seen the bit of the show they've got their knickers in a knot in context, and I reckon Elmo and the "Christian" nationalists he's pandering to REALLY wouldn't like going to an exhibition of Renaissance art, because that imagery is everywhere.
The Smurf-like Greek god of wine, Dionysus, is a clue.
Here's just one example:
Feast of the Gods by Jan van Bijlert (1598-1671), depicting a wedding feast on Olympus.