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"Adaptation is one of the great advantages to being born and bred in Jersey. We're simply not bested by bad air or tainted water. We're like that catfish with lungs. Take us out of our environment and we can grow whatever body parts we need to survive. After Jersey the rest of the country's a piece of cake. You want to send someone into a fallout zone? Get him from Jersey. He'll be fine." - J. Evanovich

*** 4 ALARM FIRE ***

NYC | BROOKLYN | BOX 2865 | 2050 71ST STREET

Command has a 2 story flat roof residential, extending to exposed residences and buildings around. 4th Alarm has been struck.

In other news while I'm sitting here.

I fell out of a tree this weekend trying to put up a tire swing for the daughter.

I'm a moron for thinking I could do that.

I'm also in a mcfucktonne of pain. lmao.

Y'all let me know how Trump's mess is.

I'm watching SCOTUS on Grants Pass today.

*** 3 ALARM FIRE ***


Homeless camp under the boardwalk. Heavy fire.

This is going to hurt. It was known as the "Boardwalk Hilton". FD friends reached out and let me know the homeless are scattering.

Gonna get an outreach team together to help.

And just like that, decisions made for me. The lady is going to Urgent Care for Kidney Stones, and I gotta leave work early to pick up the Sprout from school.

I almost called out to binge the rest of Fallout.

I didn't, but it was a gametime decision to go to work today.

Hrm... Apocalypse and Rapture was a bit of a bust. I still have to work today.

When's the next end of the world shindig supposed to take place?

Y'all can be out tripping over whatever apocalypse/rapture/eclipse/judgement day you think tomorrow is gonna bring.

I'm gonna be celebrating Rex Manning day. .

Anyone ever try shrooms?

I'm considering microdosing to treat PTSD.

Surviving an earthquake has me hungry.

I want a pastelillos from the bodega around the corner.

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Hope is a 4 letter word.

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