What can be done with the asshole who keeps going after you? I heard you were back, then kicked again.

@th3j35t3r I know you have shunned twitter but this seems concerning. Is it possible to find who is running this site?

Happy bunny Friday Wuzza.

I have a cute pic of my pretty boy Odin I'd like to share. The feets are just too adorable!

Desmblake boosted
Desmblake boosted
Desmblake boosted

if you are against civilian deaths due to wars then be against ALL wars you can't pick and choose just becuse the fuckin media tell you to focus on one war over others just shows you aren't genuinely against civilians deaths

you are just spreading shit the media tell you to

civilians die due to war that's what happens during war ffs

Desmblake boosted

12-year-old sends bomb threats to Maryland schools — knowing a loophole prevents charges

In Maryland, children younger than 13 can be charged only with offenses that constitute a 'crime of violence,' Montgomery County Police Chief Marcus Jones said in a statement," reported Antonio Planas. "A police spokesperson confirmed the child knew no charges could be brought before speaking to detectives."


Desmblake boosted

As promised, I have mint condition halloween hot wheels to auction off! The winner of the auction will pay CoSo directly. The prize will be shipped to you at no cost within the US, if you wish to participate from other countries please send me a message about shipping costs. Full post to follow (this is a teaser)

I just cant, this had me LMAO! 😂

And I can totally relate cuz that is how I draw.

Desmblake boosted

Okay, I need some help with covering next months internet bill. I have just enough saved from an earlier gift from my friend Chris to cover the majority of the bill, but I know it's going to get hit with the discounted Prime payment and my pro payment from here soon. If anyone wants some art in exchange, hit me up, I'm happy to draw and color whatever comes to mind!
Ko-fi in my bio links, @MelisaNolan on Paypal and yes, I do have Zelle and Stripe attached as well.

Time to boycott Katy Kur on MSNBC and by proxy, her producers. She is nothing but an Hamas apologists and Hamas propaganda broadcaster

X er twitter be having issues, SUPER slow.

Couldn't be me though, could it? 🤭

@th3j35t3r curious when you have the chance have you weighted into what happened in Israel regarding the InfoSec ? Be interested in your thoughts

Desmblake boosted
Desmblake boosted

For coverage on what's going down in right now follow this fella - our very own @Render - Also his substack >>> renderpedia.substack.com

@th3j35t3r OMG, Jester, in a meeting and someone changed SSMS to Comic Sans font in the results to grid.

Reminds me of when you commented on it in CoSo infancy. LOL!

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