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Would you accept therapy, that teaches you to conform, and act like others? How about therapy that taught you not to say no to things? Or therapy that tore down your boundaries? More to follow after the poll.

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Hey everyone! It would be amazing if you could all take a minute to write a good review in your respective App Store, as a way of thanking @th3j35t3r for all he’s done for us!

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Guns N’ roses

I saw this played live about two years ago, and it was one of the happiest moments of my life

@Alfred please generate an image of Donald Trump picking his nose.

@Alfred please generate an image of an f35 fighter jet with the wings of a bald eagle, instead of its regular wings.

Listen up folks. Our very own in-house expert on all things tactical, @Render, has launched a Substack with @phase. And yes, it is awesome. >>>

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