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to my yes voters, was it horrible?

Anyone had a spinal tap before?

Recently I was told
by someone I love and trust that I just interrupt people's conversations to talk about things that interest me, and no one else.

I was also told how boring I am and self centered.

but they "like"
me. a lot. Supposedly.

feels different though irl.

I use an app called WYSA for reframing some
of my thoughts when I have no one else to talk to, I talk to the chat bot inside the free WYSA app.

I mean, it's kinda cute and it might help you or someone you know. So, just wanted to post that.


Make rainbows asap 🧚🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️

Good morning. I got distracted and forgot my coffee exists in the other room...

my horoscope from yesterday...maaaannn....

*slaps ruler on hand**
"Pay attention in class, you fool!"

I should pay more attention in class. ding ding ding!! 🔔

Maybe then, will I understand the assignment...

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a bad woman ⚡️

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