Would you rather have a detachable hand with a devious mind of its own or for your left leg to constantly have pins and needles?
#CriticalQuestions #Quiz #PubQuiz #WYR #DetachableHand #Leg #PinsAndNeedles #StayHome #StaySafe #StayHomeStaySafe
The hand, but only with a NDA.
@CriticalCupcake I've seen Idle Hands 👀
@CriticalCupcake Given that both of my legs have permanent pins and needles, the choice is pretty clear.
@CriticalCupcake pins and needles. I'd rather be uncomfortable than contribute to somebody's harm.
@CriticalCupcake pins and needles, but neither sounds fun.
@CriticalCupcake Well, both my legs often have pins and needles already. And both arms. And several other places.