My oldest cat (only 12) is losing his hearing. He got super clingy, quit meowing for attention and started knocking things off on the floor, which he had never done before. Vet eliminated anything like infection or foreign objects, confirms he can hear a bit, but not much.
So, to save the breakables, I got him the pet version of hotel desk bells.
So far he hasn't connected with ringing them, but he has taken to shoving them off the counter instead of bowls of loose change.
Win? #CatsOfCoSo
@Cosmichomicide Every time he knocks the bell to the floor, maybe give him something he likes, a treat, a toy, your attention. That might help him with the association.
As to attention, yep - everyone here at Casa Cosmic is on full alert to notice him whenever he attention seeks appropriately. Vet said he's getting used to navigating things differently and wants assurance we see him the same.
All good, we dig our cats and he's the best, most laid back boy we've ever had.
@Cosmichomicide Awwww, how sweet!