Seasoned CounterSocial users will apply some version of the following criteria:
1. Community abuse, including misinformation: Block & Report
2. Rude, uncool, or downright disagreeable: Block
3. Extremely annoying: Mute
4. Moderately annoying: Soft Mute
5. Mildly annoying: Ignore.
What you see is entirely up to you, and all of this is typically done without drama of any kind.
@CoSoTips @awnaves @FrankCannon ~ I read that as Frank is the least aggressive, since he's at the bottom of the list. Could be true. I don't know.
@awnaves Puddin is pretty spot on.
@Toni_Walker @CoSoTips
@CoSoTips Thanks! I'm off to find the sledgehammer.