Need a Christmas gift for the MAGAs in your life? A lady on IG is selling these.
I think she also makes some for non-MAGAs saying " safe from voting for . . . "
I don't think I knew she couldn't say if it was his penis or finger! 🤣😂
That made me happy, so thanks!
@LnzyHou @BrentSullivan
Apparently 😂🤣
Maybe that's why Donnie is so unhappy and determined the rest of us be.
@CinnamonGirlE @LnzyHou @BrentSullivan
😂 A good laugh to start the day is never bad. Good morning to you all ☕
@ellesu @LnzyHou @BrentSullivan
Morning 😉☕️
i'll bet his father ridicule him that and that's partly at the root of his problems.
Could not agree more.
good grief, my typing is cp💩💩💩this morning. i'm glad you could understand my meaning 🤣🤣🤣
Mine is also, and complicated by the fact that Apple likes to "autocorrect" my words as I hit send. 😂🤣
yes, i'm dealing with apple's auto repair too, fixing what isn't broken 🆘
I love Apple and the continuity across my devices, but it has it little quirks for sure.
yes, me too. it's just useful enough that i don't disable it, as i did their annoying autocaps and punctuation.
@CinnamonGirlE that happens to me too and i try to correct it and it does it again 🙍♂️ @holon42
@catlynne333 @CinnamonGirlE @holon42
you can go into
settings - general - keyboard
turn off autocorrect
first thing i do
when setting stuff up
@millard_jmm @catlynne333 @CinnamonGirlE
i know, but i still find it useful enough. sometimes barely, but still not choppable.
I'm happy you're happy
Two women have testified under oath to his size
@CinnamonGirlE @BrentSullivan
Apparently there is little difference.