OMG this is going around! I waltzed into the eye clinic saying I was super early for a 9:45. Receptionist goes: you have a 9:30. No longer super early 🤦♀️
When I arrived for my blood work this morning there was a little old man in front of me who was two days early for his appointment. It's going around. 😂
Okay, that dude wins, though
And I also had blood work first. Parallel lives much?
Very parallel. I am headed to the eye doc on Friday. Just a field test though. They will dilate me which always takes at least a day to go away. You doing okay?
This doesn't sound wonderful. But you do have vision. Hoping you get the deficiencies corrected and back on the mend. And thanks.
I am happy to hear it. When my husband was alive, he had a traumatic injury to his eye which knocked the iris to the back of the globe. As a nurse. I have seen lots of pain, but this eye pain was sometjing else. He lost vision in that eye. I understand how we have to guard our vision. Glad you are on the other side of surgery and moving to healing. 😘
Thank you. I am partly blind in the left eye where all this drama is happening - retinectomy in 2020 - but hanging on tooth and nail to what I still have 😘 My right eye is doing fine, mercifully