What should free speech mean?
1. As long as you're not threatening nor encouraging violence, you should be able to say whatever the fuck you want!
2. As long as you're not threatening violence, you should be able to say whatever the fuck you want!
3. You should be able to say whatever the fuck you want!
4. Other, please comment!
Sigh. Anyone who's concerned about the "freeness" of their speech on someone ELSE'S web site needs to put up their OWN web site, where THEY can make the rules.
@Cadence 4. When I was growing up people didn’t threaten people. We just quietly got rid of the bodies.
Say whatever you want and recognize no one/nothing is obligated to spread your message
It depends on the context and the situation. You can already say whatever the fuck you want...but there are consequences. You can be removed from the premises or fired from your job or suspended from social media. The words you speak are choices you make.
I voted for 1, but that is not to say that even if it's not threatening or encouraging violence, there should still be consequences for being a horrible person.