I had student loans. I worked my ass off, scrimped & saved, and sometimes went hungry, but I paid them off.
According to the GOP, I'm supposed to resent seeing others have an easier time because their loans are forgiven .
That says a lot more about the GOP than about me.
Message to govt: forgive these damned loans. Fix this broken system. An educated/trained, thriving populace is in everyone's best interests.
@BrazenlyLiberal I have to disagree. A couple millennials in my family actually think they should live rent and mortgage free. They're incensed at having to pay for shelter! Giving them a pass on money nobody forced them to take seems like reinforcing some really dumb idioms they seem to hold. My neighbor's daughter is in her 20's now. Works p/t lives home. What's the endgame? She wouldn't be able to pay upkeep and taxes if they gave it to her.
I was 45 before my loans were paid off. I had worked nonstop since I was 17.
BTW, it's wrong to assume these loans holders all volunteered for unnecessary debt. It's harder & harder every year to find a job that covers bills without some sort of advanced training/education.
@BrazenlyLiberal @MidnightRider
What I think is the system for the loans is so messed up. Just like other types of debt in this country. Credit card. It's all designed to keep us in debt.
Perhaps we should overhaul the system. I don't necessarily think removing the debt is helpful. Because we are living in a society where kids are clueless about what it is to live in this world.
@BrazenlyLiberal It's equally wrong to assume they were forced into debt. I'm tired of the crybabies. I was paying 14% mortgage. I paid all my college loans back. I sold my car and possessions to go back to school. Life is hard children, get a helmet.