Check out some of my music! Upbeat Cyberwave!!
@AvalonFlame I'll give it a listen and tell you what I think :)
Want to check out mine? I do several different genres, but this one's electronic - hard to put a finger on the exact subgenre, though. Electronic rock might be the closest? IDK.
@IrelandTorin listenign now!
@IrelandTorin hell yeah man, your shit is great! Its right up my alley.
@IrelandTorin Lol since I could make words tbh. I've always been into chorus and any instruments i can pick up. Played in various punk rock bands but have always left my heart open to any genre from classical to glitch. The songs I have up on my channel are my very first electronic songs.Everything else in life has been instruments and plugging in. So I def appreciate you giving it a look!!
@AvalonFlame Ah, yeah, that's totally backwards to how I've always done it! I suppose that's probably an artifact of me writing without learning an instrument first hehe... and never having played in a band :P
I did try to write a percussion-only piece before, once, and fell flat on my face... but that was a lotta years ago, so I could certainly give it another go. Thanks for the tip, I should try that :)
@IrelandTorin gotta give it more than one go to know if youre really bad at it aye?
@AvalonFlame Yep! I generally give things I suck at a bit of time between attempts (while I develop other skills) because I find it's not uncommon for me to just... suddenly find I don't suck at it anymore if I do that.
@IrelandTorin i just got really good at being bad and eventually shit started to sound semi decent.
@AvalonFlame Betcha that approach was a lot faster than mine! It took me four years to get anywhere near decent, and another three after that to get to where I am now.
@IrelandTorin Well, I can def say I'm never too old to learn which is why im still out here striving to make new stuff and cross through my own boundaries and push further! the worst thing anyone can ever do is stop trying =D So happy you decided to drop in and check out my stuff!
@AvalonFlame Interesting! Opposites again - I suuuuucked at music when I was a kid, and was never really good at playing any instrument.
I wrote my first electronic piece 7 years ago, but the first time I wrote something that wasn't awful was about 3 years ago.
Interesting to see another genre-fluid artist! That's rare.
Ah, *that* explains the feeling I couldn't put my finger on! Some parts are amazingly well-done, while others hint you're a bit new at it :)
You're very welcome! Likewise.
@IrelandTorin As far as percussion goes, I'm guessing because when I played in bands we always defer to the drummer for the beat. So playing guitar, bass, and even accordion you make sure the beat is good and then you add a solid melody. If I tried to put the percussion in after i did the melody I'd have a hard time of it. Maybe challenge yourself to only write a percussion piece.