When asking yourself if you should eat something, ask yourself if dinosaurs ate it.
Remember, they are all dead and you're here so they obviously did things wrong.
@Fiikus_goddess - all proven to have beneficial health qualities by specific cherry picked subsets of scientific research papers.
@0x56 And none of them killed any dinosaurs.
I don't know what my doctors are complaining about.
Lie, big lie, cheese statistic!
@Fiikus_goddess - it's all pushed by Big Kale!
@0x56 Hate those guys.
And their sisters Big Brusselsprouts.
Or is that just a regular cabbage? 🤔🤔🤔
@0x56 they also had a raw diet. which is why i like my foods cooked. 😂
@0x56 So cheese, chocolate and wine. And pasta.
I'm set! 😂