^^ I mean, I've been using this reality my entire life. Shouldn't that count for something?
@Mandypar - and that's another point to bring up when I talk to the manager.
I'm going to write a strongly worded letter to the CEO.
I have many concerns that I feel are not being properly addressed. I have been composing a VERY STRONGLY WORDED letter.
Look, to be fair, they've been trying for years to reach you about the fact your reality's extended warranty may be expired.
@misterfive - I have documentation saying I should have at least 20 more years of coverage if I *looks over paper work* keep it away from dangerous situations, and... Oh... Excessive alcohol use.
Yes, but have you been taking it in for regular maintainance every 3000-5000 days for a dark matter change like JiffyReal recommends?
@misterfive - that number is a lie put forth by big physics to sell more "dark".
@0x56 Sadly it doesn't count - just like good deals always go to NEW customers not the existing ones 😉
I'd quite like to go back in time to when I could walk, exercise, have certain family members alive, etc. That would be a great reality to switch to.