@MrGoat On Facebook I am @BhuneePhu @elizabethmathis metinks...
#zoidette #elizabethmathis #bhun3 #phun4 #hipE5 #bepolitedics #fruitsandnutsguild #countersocial
Metieks did that all. rite. I'm very shaken
@MrGoat ME TOO! But I'm alive, and working on my new set up. Aboot to cancel ATT, because EFF the - meantime the bill is die, but I haven't yert cencelled services, because if he did'na pitch meh phone in the CUMBERLAn river, I will be traking him, POST HASTE. His name id DUSTIN and he lives in RAYON CITY, TN. He is a convisted felon. That's all I know RN
@zoidette I'm sure you're capable of coherent messages however that is not one.
@zoidette im confused