Seriously, I say this out of concern and not to start any fights. If you find yourself thinking that anybody who isn't freaking out about the sky falling is an idiot, check your privilege.

It is valid that you weren't prepared for this and don't know what to do or expect. It is also valid that marginalized people have always known the system isn't friendly and have always had to find ways to live anyway.

I spent a couple of hours mopping today and my nails still look good??? NEVER had that happen before!

I had to stop painting my nails years ago because I started having allergic reactions when I touch my face. I have now found a brand - Mooncat - that doesn't have some of the chemicals in most nail polish. I'm hoping this works.

The color is called "Loch Ness". Blue with rainbow holographic micro glitter. I have Lake Monster nails!

If you played "Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical", the "Orpheus" dlc is out! I love it! The whole thing is so very Hermes. Like, that's just the best way to describe it. 😄

28 ton sacred boulder returned to the Kaw. I was part of the way through reading this when I realized I was crying.

This is a fossilized Tylosaurus tooth! That means it's a minimum of 65 million years old. I held it in my hand! Very briefly, though. I'm absolutely shaking with awe and joy, and I didn't want to drop it.

Someone acquired it for me and it will stay with me in my house! This is...this is a lot! This is important! I'm probably going to start crying soon. Good tears!

I just saw the email from! It's Bear Cam season! 🐻🥳

I have been watching the bears at Brooks Falls catch salmon for many summers now!

It's day 100 for my tiny lake monsters! 🥳 I don't think I really believed I could keep Sea Monkeys alive this long.

I was so happy with myself for calling the plumber yesterday. Less happy with getting up early because they're coming out today. But the hot water will get fixed!

I called the plumber, and that counts as an achievement for the day! 🙌 Go, me!

There's a visitor in my yard today. I'm a little concerned about why a bat would be out during the day. We've seen them in the evenings before, so we know they live on our property. It could be the heat. If they don't go home tonight, I may need to call a wildlife rehabilitator tomorrow.

He screwed a lot of things up. Nobody's perfect. But if the worst thing you do is curse your child with the ability to love, you did a good job.

I stayed offline most of today, just like I did with the one last month. I almost made it all the way without thinking about what day it's recognized as. I don't know if it will ever stop hurting. Probably not. I've discussed how I grieve with therapists. They say I just stay aware of it longer than most people. Sometimes I do wish I couldn't love so much. But he taught me. And he's not here anymore. So I have to do it.

Suddenly, a Sim would be exhausted, starving, and need to go to the bathroom. They could end up just standing there and crying until they passed out in a puddle of their own pee. All the needs crashed when they came out of the zone.

Now I'm thinking it makes more sense if the needs bars are seen as a Sim's awareness of their own needs. The needs are still changing, but the Sim doesn't know it. Being in the zone is hyperfocus, and it interrupts interoception.

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