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The birds know who's feeding them. Three little birds standing at my back door. I looked out in the yard and saw the feeder was empty.

I have been very focused lately on an art project that involves meditation, things from my dreams, and automatic drawing. I've been putting so much into it and feeling like this is some of the most intense art I've ever done! And I also know no one else will see that. They might just see interesting designs. I don't know how I feel about that.

I'm doing a video growth diary for my Sea Monkeys. Nothing fancy. Just a place to keep all the 15-30 second videos.

Friends, it's Tuesday and I already feel like it's been a long week! I miss CoSo when I'm busy. I also greatly appreciate knowing it's okay to be away and out of the loop for a while.

It's snake feeding day! Shai-Hulud was figuring out how wide to open his jaw, then just stopped and looked at me like, "I'm sorry! Did you want some of this?"

Naddo, ffrind, mae'r llygoden i chi.

I practice Welsh by talking to him, so I told him, "No, friend, the mouse is for you."

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After a week of being sick, now it's my back. The coughing and chronic issues with the right side of my back do not go well together. But this gives me more time to sit and watch my sea monkeys, and wow...I had no idea that could be so soothing!

I seem to be having trouble posting video of the sea monkeys today, but the first ones to have hatched are getting noticeably bigger! And there are teeny tiny ones feeding at the bottom of the tank today, so I think they hatched last night.

The first of my sea monkeys have hatched! They're just tiny flecks skittering in the water right now. I was chanting, "Yes! Swim!" at them like a joyful Disney villian!

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As we approach World Down Syndrome Day on March 21, I invite you to take a moment to watch this powerful and thought-provoking video by CoorDown. This subject has held a special place in my heart since my younger years. By confronting and dismantling our negative preconceptions about individuals with Down syndrome, we can spark a profound change in the way we engage with them, ultimately transforming these misconceptions into uplifting and positive truths.

I learned today that you can sing "Baby Got Back" to the tune of "Sound of Silence".

If I have to know that, y'all have to know that.

I don't like the advice I give myself. It's too sensible.

It says I can't do anything to "fix" what's causing me distress today, and finding peace and healing has to come from outside of thinking of it that way. And trying too hard can just create blocks. Stay focused on treasured things that bring healthy support. Insight about the past can lead to growth and abundance. And while I don't want to hear it, yes...healing takes love and time.

I've been thinking of my 10th grade geometry teacher today. My dad told me a joke the year before, and every time that poor woman said "pi r square", she had to hear me say, "Pie are round!"

I started divination with very structured systems, like tarot. I eventually started working with more personalized tools for practices like osteomancy and lithomancy. I resisted charm casting until someone pointed out how the idea of it not being a valid practice was elitist gatekeeping. They were right, so I got into it. But the set changes over time and mine is working its way back to mostly bones and stones.

Distilled water and "purification powder" added for day one. It's s actually some of the eggs and stuff that gives the water high salinity. But I guess that is purification for brine shrimp.

Hopefully tiny Deep Ones will come out and swim around their plastic
Y'ha-nthlei in the next week!

I got Sea Monkeys! I had some years ago, while married to my first husband. He poured them out. When I told my husband about that, he bought me the ones that have a little castle in their tank. I'm going to start setting things up tomorrow!

When I say I "may and may not be catsitting for a guy named Schrödinger" and someone tells me I typed "may and may not" instead of "may or may not"... I just can't.

I've written an updated version of doing a divination reading based on the Litany Against Fear from "Dune". This one is focused on working with gaming dice.

Even I am impressed with my ability to continue taking "weird nerd" to new levels.

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Learning to speak Welsh has helped me cope with my brain disease, and work on reinventing myself as I start over.

I long to share my joy with others. Please, take a moment to watch, follow, tell others.

I hope one day for "Welsh Made Easy With JenX" to go viral. If others can do it, then why not me?

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