@Lulz4l1f3 The cats calm down and collect around me when I play. The elderly beagle appreciates this because he bears the burden of responsibility for making sure the house meets daily requirements for naps taken.
@sumpnlikefaith No, no... it's just stunned! Norwegian blues stun easily!
@GrumpyWolf I made the mistake of thinking I'd find people trying to argue reason (not that it would do any good) if I scrolled down. Nope! It actually gets worse when thumbs up and cheering starts turning into whole sentences.
Just can't get to sleep tonight, so I took my ukulele to the gym. I don't want to wake anybody else up, and sound doesn't carry through the house from the gym.
I'm relaxing and my hands are just doing what they do with little thought from my brain. I've been playing "Margaritaville" I don't know how long, and there's a weird feeling. Why am I messing up these chords? I snap back into the physical present... there's a cat rubbing his head along the neck of the ukulele!
@SentinelOfTruth Something I love about CoSo is feeling comfortable popping in and out when it's good for me. Other platforms make me feel like I have to "keep up". That really drives that shallow emptiness. Do what you need to do for yourself.
Surviving a traumatic experience as a couple, you'd think you've always got someone to talk to because they KNOW. The reality for me is that I won't run the risk of hitting a trigger for him. I just won't. But he knows anyway.
I was in great pain in the wrong part of my body. I screamed at him for being there. How could I hide it if he was right there? And I apologized for even being in pain. And he held me. He helped me stand and didn't flinch when I twisted his hand. He just gave me love.
Figuring out how to knit a heart went a lot easier than I thought it would! I just modified a hexagon. #CoSoKnitting
@ToolPackinMama That's a wonderful idea! And I think this child would love turning the dreams into stories.
A family friend's small child is having terrible nightmares. I'm knitting a special stuffed animal for them. I remember how my dad used to smile and reassure me about my "wild night horses". (It was years later that I got the joke.) I love making personalized comfort items for children. I want them to feel safe and loved.
Bard with a ukulele. Friend of Lake Monster. 93% stardust. Autistic. Fabulously weird.