
Our family is made up of a mix of autistic people, ADHDers, people with PTSD...not just one of each. There's overlapping and combining. And this has me rethinking something about The Sims. Specifically, when a Sim is "in the zone".

When that was added, my friends and I talked about how it was good that a Sim in thier zone didn't have their needs moving much, but it was hell when they stopped what they were doing!

Suddenly, a Sim would be exhausted, starving, and need to go to the bathroom. They could end up just standing there and crying until they passed out in a puddle of their own pee. All the needs crashed when they came out of the zone.

Now I'm thinking it makes more sense if the needs bars are seen as a Sim's awareness of their own needs. The needs are still changing, but the Sim doesn't know it. Being in the zone is hyperfocus, and it interrupts interoception.

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