
Learned something interesting today...I can't taste coconut. I love the smell! But I've always wondered how other people could so clearly taste it in things. I always thought it was a subtle taste that just mixed well and you'd only notice if it wasn't there.

@Pat_Walrond I've had it in certain types of trail mix. I thought it was there for texture and possibly some vitamin. It doesn't have a distinct taste for me.

@weirdfizz That sounds as if it were shredded. If you can get hold of the whole dry coconut, then cut it and try a whole piece... might be much different an experience

@Pat_Walrond I can probably get one this summer and try that. Puerto Rican family members are like, "But you love coquito!" I told them it's always been a different sweetness and texture than egg nog, but I've never really tasted the coconut in it.

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