@weirdfizz Harpo Marx, one of the famous Marx Brothers comedy team, was known for his silent on-screen persona. Harpo never spoke in any of the Marx Brothers' films or live performances. This deliberate choice was a key aspect of his character and comedic style. One of the reasons Harpo Marx didn't speak on screen was that it allowed him to communicate with the audience and his fellow characters through physical comedy, gestures, facial expressions, and nonverbal cues. His silence added to the mystery and charm of his character, making him stand out from his more verbose brothers, Groucho and Chico. The decision for Harpo to remain silent was also influenced by his early experiences in vaudeville, where he realized that his physical comedy and pantomime skills were incredibly effective at entertaining audiences. By not speaking, Harpo could focus on his unique talents and create memorable moments through visual gags and slapstick humor. Ultimately, Harpo Marx's decision to remain silent on screen became an iconic part of his persona and contributed to the enduring popularity of the Marx Brothers' comedy films.

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