I have decided to read the Percy Jackson books because everyone I personally know makes references to them, but I haven't read the books or seen the movie. I'm not opposed to reading YA fiction because even most adult fiction is below my reading level (thanks, hyperlexia...been this way my whole life) and it's mostly safe on trauma triggers.

I already love page 1!

@weirdfizz After years of reading along w my kid, I have found Rick Riordan is a much better writer than most YA authors. Protip: Avoid Christopher Paolini like the plague.

@AmserJ Paolini wrote those dragon books, right? Somehow, those never appealed to me. I get weirdly picky about dragon stories.

@weirdfizz yeah and very badly. Who do you like for dragon stories?

@AmserJ @weirdfizz

Cornelia Funke is a wonderful writer (Inkheart Series) that does good dragon characters- “Dragon Rider.”

However, Anne McCaffery will always be Queen of the Dragon Writers with The Dragonriders of Pern books. 🐉

@QueenOfEverything @weirdfizz fun fact: Funke is my maiden name. No relation. I did like her stuff when I read it with my kiddo back in the day. I need to go back to McCaffery’s Pern stuff. For some reason, it never took off for me.

Have tou guys read Robin Hobb? Some of my favorite world building and a totally fresh take on dragons. I actually prefer her earlier stuff that is less dragon-centric.


@AmserJ @QueenOfEverything I haven't heard of Robin Hobb, but this whole conversation is adding to my list of books to go looking for. 😄

@weirdfizz @AmserJ

One of my FAVORITE series is Robin Hobb's Fitz & the Fool series. The story is unique and deeply engaging. Characters are brilliant. Robin Hobb is one of the great gifted writers that after you read her books... you can never forget them. ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

@QueenOfEverything @weirdfizz Yes, yes, yes!!! The Fool is my favorite character in all of literature (to which he replies, “How droll!”). Nighteyes is up there, too. 🥲 I have read these books a zillion times. I did not connect anywhere near as much with the Rain Wilds Chronicles.

@weirdfizz @QueenOfEverything I suggest starting with the first book in the Farseer Trilogy, Assassin’s Apprentice. This is followed by the Tawny Man Trilogy and then Fitz & The Fool Trilogy. Liveship Traders introduces another story line in the same world. It probably fits chronologically between Farseer and Tawny Man (and has a tantalizing bit of overlap in events). So many great books ahead of you! I’m jealous.

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