I have decided to read the Percy Jackson books because everyone I personally know makes references to them, but I haven't read the books or seen the movie. I'm not opposed to reading YA fiction because even most adult fiction is below my reading level (thanks, hyperlexia...been this way my whole life) and it's mostly safe on trauma triggers.

I already love page 1!

@weirdfizz After years of reading along w my kid, I have found Rick Riordan is a much better writer than most YA authors. Protip: Avoid Christopher Paolini like the plague.

@AmserJ Paolini wrote those dragon books, right? Somehow, those never appealed to me. I get weirdly picky about dragon stories.

@weirdfizz yeah and very badly. Who do you like for dragon stories?


@AmserJ I don't have any particular authors that I turn to for dragon stories. I just get agitated by seeing them in tv shows and stories portrayed as giant monsters with poorly designed anatomy. It's a weird thing to be so picky about. I have no idea why it bothers me.

@weirdfizz Right??? Dragons cannot have two wings and four limbs.

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