
There's a bag of birdseed on my back porch that didn't get used before the seasonal shift made it The Season of Not Walking Out to the Bird Feeder. It's been very cold lately, and we've been getting snow off an on. I'm glad the bag is there because a little friend has been finding shelter there and helping themself to the food.


Good thing you don’t have squirrels. That bag would be empty in a heartbeat.

@LnzyHou YES! When I was a kid, a squirrel in our yard made friends with the bluejays and would sit and eat with them. I've been told there are squirrels in the area we live in now, but we've been here 3 years and I've seen no squirrels. LOTS of different birds, though!

That’s adorable!

Now I’m not sure where you live, but around here I would never leave seeds out like that. If I did, it would drastically exacerbate the problem we have with mice. I’m surprised mice haven’t chewed into that bag already!

@Luber905 Mice try to come in for the winter. I don't know why. The neighbors' house doesn't have dogs, cats, ferrets, and a snake. I'm sure it's safer there. We sometimes find one, but the mice are very limited in where they can get to. The cats will live with the other animals, but mice are for hunting.

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