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Russia declares objective of war achieved. If they withdraw forces from all occupied territory I think the US has a big "Mission Accomplished" banner we could give them.

Russia discovers that when you put dishonorable criminals in charge of key positions, some of them may turn out to be somewhat lacking in honor and inclined to criminal actions.

There is at least one group of customers willing to pay Musk for" verified" blue checks: Russian bots.

Russian propagandists are buying Twitter blue-check verifications

200 honorable Russians
I almost wrote brave and honorable but all are exiles reporting from outside Russia, which is where all honorable Russians go who do not fall from windows or go to the gulag. Still, credit for bravery as some of them may now succumb to Novichok poisoning.

Over 200 Russian journalists, activists demand release of WSJ reporter
(Unlocked article)

Holodomor, when Russia starved 3.9 million Ukrainians to death. And yet, going back to the NYT article, Putin expected his invading army to be greeted by cheers, flowers, and kisses.

Bret Stephens' article

Putin Should Have Read Evan Gershkovich, Not Imprisoned Him

Reading a NYT article on Russia's arrest of Evan Gershkovich (journalist, hostage), I'm reminded of a film by the great director Agnieszka Holland, Mr Jones. NYT notes that if Putin listened to anyone like Gershkovich telling the truth, then his Ukraine war would not have been so badly bungled. Holland's film tells of reporters in USSR during the Holodomor when Stalin sought to starve the Ukrainian people into oblivion. Mr. Jones wrote the truth...

I wonder why in 1943 the USSR didn't accept a peace plan with Nazi Germany while German forces were entrenched in the suburbs of Leningrad that would have frozen the existing borders and called for respect for national sovereignty from that time forward.

My peace plan. Russia gives Crimea back to Ukraine. The US gives Ron DeSantis and Tucker Carlson to Russia.


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