FUCKING WELLCARE! They just called to tell me that my Cosentyx prescription has been pre-approved. That took 15 minutes on hold to determine. Then I asked how much this was going to cost me, knowing full well that their coverage sucks and that my cost will be about $700 per month. Once more I'm on protracted HOLD. And if I have to listen to this fucking peppy jazz Muzak for much longer, I'm going to hurt someone.

And the stupid bitch FINALLY came back on the line to happily inform me that they will pay a whopping 25% of the cost for the Cosentyx. That will leave my monthly co-pay at only $3000!

American healthcare insurance is a fucking joke.

The call center person isn't responsible though
Vent to your congressional rep. Consider scheduling a face to face with the staffer responsible for healthcare policy


@BrentSullivan @BenA All federal and state subsidies of pharma research should yield a commensurate equity position in any drug developed. The proceeds of which used to make that drug affordable and available.

No more socialism for costs and capitalism for profits.

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