
power should serve the interests of San Diegans, not Wall Street investors. The same issues arise in many locations nationwide.

@walterbays It's Captialism. It sucks. I'm not sure how we solve this issue, it's too big for me to start working on at my age. But 'having to please investors' cripples doing a good job or even caring about customers in almost every way.

@TrueBloodNet A company I worked for always said we served four constituencies: shareholders, employees, customers, and the community.

The problem with socialism is lack of incentives to do an excellent job. Capitalism means you do better, you make more money. Competition selects the best operations, unlike socialism where bureaucrats do.

Problem is there's less capitalism now than oligarchy, where a few monopolists make all the decisions. Worse than capitalism, worse than socialism.

@walterbays IMO Capitolism always leads to an oligarchy type structure once enough money works up the chain. Capitalism does not work as long as there are 'share holders' to answer to. They (we) are just money lenders sucking the life out of 'businesses'.

Right now, the health of people isn't a big enough part of the equation and the stock market is too big a part. I think this is inevitable with Capitalism. I'd like to give democratic socialism a try. Generally, they seem to do well.

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