@CaptainQuint perhaps it was the owner of the casino where you saw it?
@Juhstin ugh! That tells me that in his mind the only people who spread hate are people of a "Lower class". He apparently doesn't understand "Trickle down influence."
You know these idiots will stand 251 feet away. Can we just start locking these fools up for voter intimidation? For fucks sake! Even better get some people from the other side armed and armored to stand in front of the voting area facing away but facing these idiots, you know, perhaps finger slip the trigger? Sorry, rant over.
@C_P_See wow!!
@th3j35t3r dude! WTF?! Komrad Elon may not make it in American business if he keeps this up.
@mikeflstfi that place is so pretty!
@Silea That's hilarious!
When Liz Truss resigned allI could think about was this scene from the BBC show, "The Thick of It".
Coffee runs the body and the brain.