#CoSo Like a Pro #tips
#Newbie Friends - are you like me? I'm a visual learner so I need pictures with the text, otherwise my dyslexia & ADHD make it challenging to learn quickly.
Jester's Team did a great job combining text and images so don't let the first few pages fool you. I ripped out Page 5 to post it here.for anyone just starting today.
Why are hashtags so important here?
Mostly because there's no algorithm. Hashtags allow those with similar interests to find your stuff, but they're also a considerate way to help others filter it out. #CoSoTips
Watching Boise, Idaho drop a giant metal potato instead of a ball for their time zone new year. :)
The CEO of IKEA was elected Prime Minister in Sweden.
He should have his cabinet together by the end of the weekend.😏
Just as you are…
#TFTD Thought for the day - December 22, 2022 – #1415
This makes a couple of valid points. You’re good enough, as you are, to help. Our best attribute is caring.
“To make a difference in someone's life, you don't have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful or perfect. You just have to care.”
~ Mandy Hale
I just realized I never introduced myself here, just started using (like the addict I am).
My name is Amy. I live in a very red part of north Georgia, but it’s starting to slowly change bc of people like me (😈). I’m a teacher. Love nature, porch gardening, beaches AND mountains. Trying to get over a 5 year creative writing block. I’m in love with Doug (@XplodedSynapses). And I have a 14 yr old girl who loves drama🎭 & singing🎤. I am servant to a cat queen named Quinn.
What to do if you lose power
Skip to 8:35 for actionable detail. Useful for any type of power outage (emergency)
Great assessment of grid attacks.
This vid almost three times the usual length of spots Beau does daily (keep up with this source)
If state governors have enough cash on hand that they can pay to transport immigrants halfway across the country as a political stunt, they can damn well pony up in the middle of an airline "meltdown" and get stranded Americans home.
Mobilize the Air National Guard, if that's what it takes, but get it done.
CounterSocial has no algorithm, which means it's on you to curate your experience. Add filters for topics you'd prefer not to see. Soft mute people who annoy you. Hard mute or block people who you find to be disagreeable and report anyone who is violating the terms of service.
Ours is a community. Keeping it that way takes effort on the part of each user, but it is well worth it. #CoSoTips
STOP fossil fool antiscience - HR1/HR4 Voter Acts
Love my family,