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I hadn't seen the original live action City Hunter with Jackie Chan, nor did I see any of the anime films. So I watched it on Netflix yesterday as it was released this month. It started off great with a crazed hero and wild sfx but by the end, everyone's face blended into one another and it lost it's steam and novelty. check it out!

My g/daughter accomplished 16trips around the sun by yesterday. I babysat her since she was 3 months old. I initially disliked it, but eventually she won me over. I didn't realize how much work it was raising a baby, since I left raising my 4 kids to my late wife; I was too busy working extra hours so I could afford them. As a policeman you can increase your pay by writing traffic tickets, making arrests, and working "special duty" jobs when you're off. She's a year old in this pic.

show how delusional you are of your good looks, tastes, or ideas by posting 20Xs a day, no explanation. Xtra points if people will scroll past without a 2nd thought or look. The least interesting the better. Haw! Haw!

When it opened this morning I was at the bank to pick up cash for my g/dtr's birthday. The bank security guard was sitting at a desk facing me when I walked in. He greeted me. I nodded. I didn't have to wait long for service, there was a teller in training waiting for me. When I left, the guard was in an office talking to someone. He said, "have a nice day," I nodded. He said it again. I smiled. Hmm, was I that suspicious?

When I was in my armored cavalry unit patrolling the Viet DMZ, I always thought it lucky that the enemy did not have any jets or tanks fighting us. Today, I learned that UKR took our top of the line Abrams tanks off the front lines because they've already lost 5 of 31 to drones. Modern anti-tank weapons make battle tanks obsolete! Or any other armored vehicles for that matter.

Red used to keep a roll of toilet paper threaded through the typewriter next to his desk to log in the f-ups of the day. I never told Smitty that.

extremely motivated, yes, but unable to make correct judgements.

Soon as I saw his picture on the Bing dot com feed with the headline NFL MVP Dies. I knew who it was: A QB from my young days, Roman Gabriel. He played with legendary players in the 60's! From when I first started watching football. They are all in their 80's!

Had a damn good b/fast buffet with police recruit school classmate Smitty at the Hale Koa, a military hotel on Waikiki Beach. I knew his stepfather who was my lieutenant in police dispatch! His dad was a scream, a rail thin red-haired curmudgeon I liked. Smitty and I are Vietnam vets, me in armor and he was a combat engineer. He's 5 yrs younger. We both had rough and tumble childhoods, though his was rougher. I had tumbles

Finally brought my camera out of my car to my bedroom bc the battery is dead. So I have pics in it from January. Here's one of them, it was taken on a Saturday when I usually go and sit on the beach and eat b/fast. I have a 30X zoom on my Sony point and shoot. This shot was about 200yds away. I keep forgetting that I know how to take pictures.

As some may know, a big part of the foodie scene in Hawaii is Asian food. But you know, as much Chinese food as I've eaten in my life (I had to learn how to use chopsticks when I was young so that I could eat in my friend's houses) It is only recently that I've learned about Mapo Tofu. It's the best food to get for me. If there's a buffet, I'd eat that over rice and ignore ever thing else. I found a place this morning that serves it in a heaping plate! It's pork and tofu in a savory sauce.

Lookalike Rudy got himself into some sh*t here. Pervs who get caught with hard drives filled with child pornography get to spend time in jail. Dafuq?

Just my opinion, but this story on Prime, called "Fallout" is awesome! I think the internet critics are on board with this opinion. I'm about to watch episode 5. All I can say is good writing, good acting, and compelling story of dystopia. So far, there are 3 characters who've survived. Only 3 more episodes to go Yikes. It is more horror than sci-fi so personally, it's hard for me to continue. I don't like horror.

Lookalike the mullahs do not understand how serious Israel takes attacks on their country from Arabs. They need to ask Hamas. Israel is going to take a huge sh*t on Tehran. They still have MOABs. (mother of all bombs). My son tells me it's like a nuke.

I didn't realize how much I was like my g/kids. They never venture to eat something they don't know. Me too, I realized. I started watching this local couple's foodie videos because it came up on my recommendations list. So I've been going to where they've been going. I couldn't believe what I've been missing. Check this video from 6:00 mins in. I ate this 2 wks ago and have been back. This food, pork sisig, which I've never had, is delicious.

After going to the UPS store to return some teeny tiny socks that Amazon sent me by mistake-I wanted a large. I noticed a new sign-"Now Serving Okazuya"-on the En Fuego restaurant where the meals are high-priced, I only went there for the Pastele Stew. I told the cashier that it was a surprise she said they just started selling Japanese food a month ago. Sorry to say that they need work-the food sucks. Sunday I went downtown to my fave Okazuya joint. Happy I did. Pic below.

my daughter bought my g/son, who is in the spectrum, a special shower hat. His parents have been aware of his problem with showers because if the water droplets hits his face and it's too much for him to tolerate. It's over-stimulation. Finally at age 12, they bought him a hat that keeps water from hitting his face. He loves it. I didn't know that there was something for that. I would've bought it for him right away had I known. Sigh. It's a daily hassle for him to take a shower.

I seen some glamour pics of Zendaya earlier today and I think that as an actor, she's gone from spiderman's gf to something of a real artist who can follow direction and portray what director Villenuve in Dune2 had a vision of what Chani was going to be at the end, someone who is not a Maud Dib fanatic because she does not think that he is the Messiah predicted in Freman legend. I hope it comes to streaming soon, I'd like to see it again.

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