90/89 on a Thursday is absolutely great.
This was night 2 using my #weightedblanket. Morning 2 of waking up with no pain. Though my #chronicpain does creep up during the day, I just don't wake up in pain which is new.
Sleeping hot is something I don't prefer even though it's much better for your body to be warm when you sleep. The weighted blanket causes my RESTLESS score to be red because it takes so much to maneuver that thing 🤣 like MINUTES of time.
@Heavymetalmotherindisguise mine is normally 0 so the restlessness is worse with the blanket. it's worth the trade off for the moment. ❤️
@thewebrecluse I love my weighted blanket. It cut my restless score in half! It was always 20+%