I learn a lot from people online EVERY single day.
I learn about different kinds of struggles and different ways of seeing the world.
I learn about the epic ways that love, empathy, and support happen as well as the unique ways that hate, sociopathy, and intolerance keep showing up.
I learn about how there are so many deeply broken, angry, and selfish people trying to destroy the well being of healthy, happy, and selfNESS focused people.
I gain so much knowledge and awareness daily.
I don't have to look very far to learn new things and to have other perspectives shown to me.
It really doesn't take a lot of effort at all.
Not including the newsletters, forums, and Discord servers I'm on, I learn a ton from just being on social media and checking out the content of different people - some of whom I follow and some who just show up in my feed.
I have opportunities to learn about the world outside of my own.
I have opportunities to learn other people's realities.
I'm interested in the percentage of people who use their time online to LEARN new things about the world, about people, about things ... and the percentage of people who are simply online JUST to fight, argue, attack, bully, and harm others ....
The amount of effort it takes to destroy versus the amount of effort it takes to learn ... is it really that different?
What would things be like if that energy was put towards positive things instead of negative things?
Why not choose light?
I may not retain all I learn, but I do get a thrill discovering something previously unknown to me every day.