It's midnight and I'm awake in horrendous pain ... I overworked myself today and when I looked at the calendar I saw that my delivery is Friday, not tomorrow. I'd misread the date and worked myself into the ground for nothing ... I have absolutely no one to blame but myself. I could have broken up all this labor over 2 days had not misread the numbers. I could have taken it easy had I paid better attention and wasn't so stressed out about what needed to be done that I'd known what day it was.


Going to take a sleeping pill and see if I can't get knocked out and get some sleep ...

Really kicking myself ... just ... sometimes I'm legit stupid AF ... No excuses just ... disappointed in myself.

@thewebrecluse Get corporate on us. You weren't mixed up. You were proactively getting ahead of the curve with preparations to be ready for any unexpected contingency. No blame. Kudos for your over and above initiative.

But yeah, I hope you took that pill and are asleep right now. 😴

@walterbays 🤣 🤣 🤣 Walter I saw this as soon as I woke up and I'm legit cracking up. Thanks for this perspective and laugh first thing ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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