Apollo 11 Launched

From the time of its launch on July 16, 1969, until the return splashdown on July 24, almost every major aspect of the flight of Apollo 11 was witnessed via television by hundreds of millions of people in nearly every part of the globe. The pulse of humanity rose with the giant, 111-metre- (363-foot-) high, 3,038,500-kg (6,698,700-pound) Saturn V launch vehicle as it made its flawless flight from Pad 39A at Cape Kennedy (now Cape Canaveral), Florida.


I remember it like it was yesterday

I was 11 and all I could dream of was becoming an astronaut

Growing up watching the space program develop as my science teacher father made sure every question was explained to me in ways that would spark more questions to explore…astronaut seemed the best possible future

Little did I realize just how far the world would knock an 11 year old’s dreams off track.

I ended up a firefighter


@AndersonArtwork Just as, if or more a brave man's choice of career..


Thank you for the kind words. My eyesight stopped me from the astronaut dream. LASIK eye surgery came along too late for me to walk the path all the way through. But the fire department let me save lives and do something worthy with my life. All in all, a fair trade

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