: Yay, no skin cancer found today! I did, however, get one irksome keratosis removed. (My glasses kept aggravating it, and so it got more aggravating.)
: when you see a one-star #CoSo review by someone you recognize as having been a troll asswipe shitposter or relentless "CEO" or "hustler" or "self-help guru" who obviously didn't read the COC or TOS and got booted
Okay folks, #Movienight tonight at 930PM Eastern.
'Raiders of the Lost Ark' (1981)
You do NOT need a PRO account for this showing. All welcome.
Movie will start automagically about 40 minutes from the time of this post.
Here's your link:
: I can't wait to hear all the caterwauling when all the dumbasses that voted for Donald and The Alt-White because they stupidly believed he/they "would be better for the economy".
My mom was one of those. She tried to explain it to me in a phone call, and within the first few minutes she seemed to realize how stupid and willfully ignorant she was about it. I wanted to feel bad for her about it, but I couldn't, not an atom of it.
: Happy Birthday to CoSo, and I'd like to say...
No Trolls
No Bots
No Pedophiles
No Foreign PSYOP's
No Data Collected
No Data Breeches
No Algorithms
No Advertising
Best Internet Community...EVER
Thank you @th3j35t3r
Your vision lives on in us
Tip'O'Da'Hat to @ed209 for being such a good watch dog
Happy Birthday Counter Social! 🎉
CoSoCookbook&Cocktails was first distributed in Dec 2019-Apr 2020, and every CoSo Birthday since.
#CoSoCookbook&Cocktails has
66 recipes
34 photos
Family favorites and internet surprises
Price $6. All funds go to @th3j3st3r to help keep the light on.
To purchase, donate $6 to the cosodonorbox. Send a screen capture of your donation to [email protected]. I'll email you a pdf.
A 2nd Edition has been suggested.
Please complete the poll.
: The it's-not-a-date today was great fun. Yes, I overshared, but I checked and was told it wasn't weird or untoward. Bookstore was fun, and then we visited the mall we'd not been to, either of us, in ~10 years. It was crowded, noisy, but a nifty adventure. Then we hung out and had dinner at her house, after which I ran her to the grocery to pick up a few noms she was out of. Then I drove home. Just past nine hours outing.
Fun day. 👽
: one of my favorite "Weird Al" songs in the history of ever
"I Was Only Kidding"
54 year-old autistic human. Father of three. Grandfather of one. Movie production Yoda. Screenwriter. Nerdfaceperson.