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Tip'O'Da'Hat to @ed209 for being such a good watch dog
@ianthealy 🤷♂️
Happy Birthday Counter Social! 🎉
CoSoCookbook&Cocktails was first distributed in Dec 2019-Apr 2020, and every CoSo Birthday since.
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34 photos
Family favorites and internet surprises
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@thereg001: She's a dirty boxer, and while clinching and hugging is allowed. Headbutts aren't, but I did notice often that Taylor saved those for when she'd positioned Serrano's body to give her cover for it. F that B.
: The it's-not-a-date today was great fun. Yes, I overshared, but I checked and was told it wasn't weird or untoward. Bookstore was fun, and then we visited the mall we'd not been to, either of us, in ~10 years. It was crowded, noisy, but a nifty adventure. Then we hung out and had dinner at her house, after which I ran her to the grocery to pick up a few noms she was out of. Then I drove home. Just past nine hours outing.
Fun day. 👽
@Valkyrie_D: Yep. The dirty pirate hooker headbutter was handed it by the judges.
@nonayadambidnes 🤷♂️
@thereg001: I used to know one of those two models in the rings, years ago. She was a mode, and around 2016 she turned to flying to Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Thailand, Brazil, and elsewhere to entertain wealthy gentlemen. She was almost featured in a documentary about international prostitution and social media, but she had good lawyers in France, the UK, and the US.
@kayleenmeow: Bad call by the judges.
@nonayadambidnes: Nope. It opens a lot of ads in another window.
@nonayadambidnes: It doesn't load past the gray sceeen for me.
@thereg001: Yeah, Taylor loves her some dirty boxing.
@th3j35t3r : So far I can't get the first two to load. I get a timeout error, and link 4 went out minutes ago, with a popup that said it's connection to Netflix has bad.
@thereg001: Lots of comments on website about how Taylor is losing fans with this fight.
@th3j35t3r: I just saw it's out or at least lagging like a 2400 modem.
54 year-old autistic human. Father of three. Grandfather of one. Movie production Yoda. Screenwriter. Nerdfaceperson.