: In my own head and life, I have long called this 'involuntary extrapolation' and "involuntary calculator'. I learned to manage it when I was between maybe ages 14 and 22. "Grotesque but useful" is apt only sometimes. Other times it's just "kinda grotesque and heavy", making accurate connections clearly ahead of the curve and that others don't believe or believe can be made at a speed they themselves consider glib. I'd convos about this sort of thing with my neurologists in Charlotte and...
: ...at Duke -- and also my shrinks. The bananas and kinda darkly amusing is that, for contrast, I am not good at the whole social cues and customs thing, at the unspokens that you're just supposed to know because you just are supposed to know and that is bad if you don't.
Hence my use of the term #ResidentAlien to describe myself since about 2013.