I tried to log in to CoSo using Firefox. This happened on a laptop and on a desktop.
What went wrong?

@Priestess Glitch in the gippy matrix. If you're on PC, hit Shift + the F5 key (that clears the cache and reloads the page). See if that does the trick.

@phase2 Thanks, Phase.

I tried Shift F5. No.
I tried CTRL F5. No.
I went into menu, then history, and did clear history.

I also have a separate setup for Firefox private browser. That works just fine. I was able to log in to CoSo with it.
No problem with Chrome, Opera, and other browsers.

The only problem is with Firefox.

I'll dig around a bit more then post the solution when I find it.

@Priestess Firefox gave me so many fits I ended up switching to Brave for CoSo. The only other thing I can think to check is if you have some sort of ad-blocker enabled.


Maybe, but CoSo was working okay with Firefox before. There are some CoSo features that don't work so good with Firefox,
(for example: I had audio volume problems when watching CoSoMovies with some browsers), so when I use those features I found Chrome works good.

Ooh... another browser I haven't tried yet... Brave? Cool! I'll download it and give it a go. That will make 7 browsers I have installed... LOL ... I find out how to fix things by breaking them.

@Priestess Brave is basically the same as Chrome, except the gutted some of the google stuff and added built in security features.

@Priestess CC'ing @th3j35t3r in case he knows a quick fix. He's seen it before (see top of thread).

@phase2 @Priestess

Firefox recently updated? Also fuck Firefox. Every time they update they break some corner of the internet.

@thedisasterautist @th3j35t3r @Priestess Firefox has become Internet Explorer. It used to be rad, but then crapped the bed.

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