How the fuck did Useless Librarian not only get a job, but even make it through grad school?

@LiberalLibrarian: One of those got the college librarian job my dad got when I was a kid. He accepted the position across the state. He resigned his position to the tech college he designed and libraried, and we moved. (I was five.) We arrived and moved in, and he went in, and the college apologized and said they hired someone else. Dad couldn't find work in libraries in the area, and so he worked admin temp jobs. The lady they hired (Useless Librarian) was fired in three weeks because...


@LiberalLibrarian: ...despite interviewing really well and having just graduated from grad school, somehow she didn't actually know how to library. And she liked to come in after 9 AM because apparently she liked to drink in the evenings. -- The college didn't call my dad but hired from within and then hired someone else straight out of USC-Columbia grad school. It was weird. (We found about all this about six years later.)

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