@LiberalLibrarian: I and other wrote the same thing by 1995. Then again by 2001, pre 9/11 and post. Then about every year thereafter. Of course, new folks were coming in under the wings of the tankies, uncritical lunatics who of course meant well, the grifters, the faux-progressives just looking to get laid and/or get status and influence, etc., all of whom told us we weren't hardcore or Real Progressives. They all said, "But SOMEBODY'S got to do SOMETHING!" and "The Right will NEVER be ANY...


@LiberalLibrarian: ...WORSE than NOW, and if we beat them now WE WIN FOREVER!", but they also had to tell some folks that if they just vote with them One more Time, "to get us over this hill, we promise we'll do all things we've promised since 1968 but didn't deliver; we pinky promise."

@thedisasterautist This is a two-party system. That's what first-past-the-post systems produce. You can argue that we should be proportional or whatever. But that won't guarantee Utopia either. Work with what you have, get what you can, and push for more without giving everything over to the worst elements. They just don't see that, lost in how things should be than recognizing how things ARE.

@LiberalLibrarian: They don't want to see it and never have, because it isn't about improving lives. It's about outrage, about Viva La Revolucion, about eating their own, about "feelings", about who can out-True-Believe everyone else, about Who Gets To be In Charge.

Same's true on the Right. It's about identity, personal only. It's about guilt, envy, jealousy, othering, wanting to feel consequential, and wanting to force others to suit.

@LiberalLibrarian: Also, fuck the Boomers. They did this, got us to where we are today.

@LiberalLibrarian: Then like clockwork, we won, deliveries were not made because all the sudden everything that was "so simple" was "complicated" and "there was other, more pressing work to be done right now". There was also backpedaling and totally selling us out, but that was only because "the evil GOP wouldn't let us [fill-in-the-blank]" even though every election it's promised that This Is It.

TBH, I trust the Dems as far as anyone can trust Candace O. not to snitch on any Black American.

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