ABC expert is saying due to polar ice caps melting and water concentrating around one end, it's potentially slowing our rotation and making the days a few seconds slower.


he also said this kind of phenomena has been noted before in history.

Earth is so non-static and chaotic...

@Armchaircouch: So... ABC expert is telling folks what they forgot from geology (or at least earth science) class in middle and/or high school, that the Earth geologically changes over time.


Personally, I never took a geology class, I’m sure there were a lot of people that didn’t and wouldn’t have any idea this was possible… so, it’s interesting that it could be happening right now in our lifetime due to the change in climate in the melting polar ice caps! :)


@Armchaircouch: I'm still waiting on the Krakatoa-scale volcanic climatological disaster we've been being promised by The Learning Channel, The History Channel, A&E, The Discovery Channel, George Noori, and others since the late 1990s and folks like Joe Rogan since 2010.

@scottronaut5150 @Armchaircouch: They're both whackjobs. I listened to them for years while traveling working for an insurance company and then staying up late taking care of my kids, not to mention while sleepless in hospital.

I liked George better than Art. I met Art a few times at conventions and saw him backstage, and he was a real jerk, like Limbaugh was in person when he didn't think people were looking. He was a good showman, though, like Limbaugh. I never met George, didn't really...


@scottronaut5150 @Armchaircouch: ...get the chance. I'd stopped working other than Doctor Who and horror cons by the time he was really helming things. I'm told he's a cool, regular Joe.

@thedisasterautist @Armchaircouch I listened to Art a ton back in the day. Late night road trips or working the ambulance. I have no knowledge of them other than the radio show, but I do know what’s it’s like when you meet someone IRL and they’re completely disappointing. I just preferred Art because he had a way I’m making things sound more supernatural and spooky. Every once in a while I’ll listen to George now and it just ain’t the same. Especially his whack job sponsors

@scottronaut5150 @Armchaircouch: Art was a performer, like Limbaugh. He didn't believe much any of the stuff he had peddled on his show, but he played it straight, like he did, for the audience. He made that clear, though not on the show, never on the show.... well, outside of legal disclaimers he was wise to recite periodically. He was a legit radio guy from way back. He was a hawker, went on-the-air to sell and keep an audience. He also got to believe his own press, as often happens, alas.

@thedisasterautist @Armchaircouch it was his show where I first heard the term ‘needle bumper’ used to describe late/ overnight radio hosts who just had to prevent dead airtime. He was a master of that

@scottronaut5150 @Armchaircouch: If you don't really screen calls and cater specifically to lunatics, True Believers, certified nutcases, and such, then you'll never have really dead air.

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