ABC expert is saying due to polar ice caps melting and water concentrating around one end, it's potentially slowing our rotation and making the days a few seconds slower.


he also said this kind of phenomena has been noted before in history.

Earth is so non-static and chaotic...

@Armchaircouch: So... ABC expert is telling folks what they forgot from geology (or at least earth science) class in middle and/or high school, that the Earth geologically changes over time.


Personally, I never took a geology class, I’m sure there were a lot of people that didn’t and wouldn’t have any idea this was possible… so, it’s interesting that it could be happening right now in our lifetime due to the change in climate in the melting polar ice caps! :)


@Armchaircouch: I'm still waiting on the Krakatoa-scale volcanic climatological disaster we've been being promised by The Learning Channel, The History Channel, A&E, The Discovery Channel, George Noori, and others since the late 1990s and folks like Joe Rogan since 2010.

Chaos is Earth's forte'.... eventually somethin's gotta give, I think... @thedisasterautist


@Armchaircouch: Earth and the rest of the solar system and universe is a single-system process. This planet is a set collection of countless subsystems always, *always*, in motion... in geologic time, and we observe it ephemerally, in comparative Planck Time. It only seems like chaos to us.

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